You have an array of weapons to use, ranging from spread shots to rockets and even lasers! Defeating whole squadrons of enemies can produce a power-up star, a crucial item that grants you 20 seconds of using the above-listed weapons. The Collosatropolians are attacking your home of Mungola, and as the last of the Platypus fleet, it's your job to take them down. Platypus drops you in the action as soon as you fire up the game, leaving the backstory either to your imagination or to read elsewhere. Platypus is a horizontal scrolling shooter game created and designed by Anthony Flack, produced by George Bray, and programmed by Michael W. This playable claymation shooter is filled with action and quirky design choices that have made it an instant cult-classic. Everything in the game from the enemies to the backgrounds and even the weapons fire is made from plasticine. Platypus is a wonderfully unique side scrolling shooter created by Anthony Flack. Thwap Thwup Splat, Wheeee! The review of Platypus could end there, but in the interest of, you know, explaining things, I'll continue.